Runescape 2007 Gold can constitute to 1m an hour
posted @ 2015年4月01日 16:13
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Runescape 2007 Gold
, 175 阅读
You can bring alching runes (RS Gold) and alch the keys there or die get three and permit yourself to die using them there and protect them overall items alching for under 61k. (In one payemnt your family will enjoy around 100-150k an hour or so carrying this out method.)
We advise that you just either have 43 prayer or 60 defence because of this Runescape 2007 Gold, but can constitute to 1m an hour.
Use over head protect from range: prayer boosting robes, Zamorak item, unholy book, rune or Armadyl cross bow. (Bring range potions and prayer potions. In case you are looking forward to those cheap old school rs cheapfifarsgames, you can travel to here. )